Also, these nouns and adjectives can be placed anywhere in the sentence, regardless of their grammatical function. When you learn Italian, it is important to keep in mind that possessive adjectives tend to come along with an article ( il, i, la, le ) which will also go under the gender and number agreement rules. It will become more easy-peasy to learn and practice if you click on the following link, watch the video below and, above all, bear in mind words’ genders and numbers –which you can spot quite effortlessly by looking at the endings. When throwing the number agreement in, we find out singulars go with singulars, plurals with plurals.

If a word is featured in the feminine gender, then you attach a feminine adjective. They need to show both gender and number agreement. Possessive adjectives in Italian are used differently. As turns out with adjectives, in English, possessives do not need to shift their shape when describing the person or the object.

Possessive adjectives let you know if something or someone belongs or is related to another person or thing. You assign qualities to objects or living beings by using adjectives.

C.Today we are going to show you how to use possessive adjectives and pronouns in Italian! The topic is not difficult to learn: you only need to pay attention to certain instances of use, in particular when you are speaking about family members (yours or anybody else’s). Thesis: Il pattern misto e le altre strategie congiuntive nel greco di Erodoto: un'analisi in prospettiva tipologica ( The Mixed Pattern and the other Conjunctive Strategies in Herodotean Greek: a Typological Analysis) University of Bologna, ITALY, final grade: 110/110 e lode (with honours) September 2017 - March 2020: MA in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition November 2020 - present: YAG PhD student at the University of Groningenįebruary - July 2020: Teacher of Ancient Greek and Latin for high school students